Search criteria
The person's surname
Enter the surname or the beginning of the surname of the required person. Upper and lower case will give the same results.
First name of the person
Enter the first name or the beginning of the first name of the required person. Adding a search element to the first name can slow down the search.
Date of death()
Date specifications
Tick the Unknown box if you don't know the date of death. If you know the approximate date of death, untick the Unknown box, change the date displayed using the arrow keys and choose the degree of precision in the list.
Search location


Tick the "Home", "Birth" or "Death" box to select the location you want to search for and the scope of the search. You can also enter a postcode or the beginning of a postcode and a full or partial location name.
Sort criteria

Select the way you would like to sort the search results.
Simple searchDisplay the simplified search screen.
Click on the button to start the search and display the list of persons corresponding to the criteria entered.

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