Centre Funéraire Pol LAFFUT & HEERWEGH

Rue Erène, 9
6900    Marche-en-Famenne (Belgium)

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Photo 865096Père Alexis SMETSPère Alexis SMETS
of Comblain-la-Tour (4180, Belgium)
+ 19/11/1934 - 09/02/2025
Photo 864699Madame Claudine AOUSTMadame Claudine AOUST
of Rochefort (5580, Belgium)
+ 27/03/1955 - 08/02/2025
Photo 864875Madame Julie MEUNIERMadame Julie MEUNIER
of Palenge (6940, Belgium)
+ 19/01/1927 - 08/02/2025
Photo 864343Monsieur Gino SOLIGOMonsieur Gino SOLIGO
of Noiseux (5377, Belgium)
+ 16/10/1949 - 08/02/2025
Photo 864961Madame Annie CAMBRONMadame Annie CAMBRON
of Noiseux (5377, Belgium)
+ 06/06/1945 - 07/02/2025
Photo 864739Madame Mallory ROLANDMadame Mallory ROLAND
of Comblain-au-Pont (4170, Belgium)
+ 24/12/1996 - 06/02/2025
Photo 864078Madame Mélina LAFFINEUSEMadame Mélina LAFFINEUSE
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 25/01/1946 - 03/02/2025
Photo 863641Monsieur Philippe FOSSOULMonsieur Philippe FOSSOUL
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 10/10/1954 - 01/02/2025
Photo 863551Madame Paula BONJEANMadame Paula BONJEAN
of Barvaux-sur-Ourthe (6940, Belgium)
+ 24/10/1940 - 31/01/2025
Photo 863353Monsieur Alex GERARDMonsieur Alex GERARD
of Rendeux-Haut (6987, Belgium)
+ 13/06/1965 - 30/01/2025
Photo 862665Madame Marie BRUYEREMadame Marie BRUYERE
of Petit-Han (6940, Belgium)
+ 10/05/1933 - 27/01/2025
Photo 862442Monsieur René CHABOTEAUXMonsieur René CHABOTEAUX
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 23/05/1929 - 27/01/2025
Photo 862231Madame Monique GIAUXMadame Monique GIAUX
of Nassogne (6950, Belgium)
+ 09/03/1943 - 26/01/2025
Photo 862193Madame Simone GALLOYMadame Simone GALLOY
of Bourdon (6990, Belgium)
+ 26/11/1935 - 25/01/2025
Photo 861999Monsieur Michel FERYMonsieur Michel FERY
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 13/09/1944 - 24/01/2025
Photo 861657Madame Yvette CRELOTMadame Yvette CRELOT
of Rochefort (5580, Belgium)
+ 14/03/1935 - 22/01/2025
Photo 861376Madame Ginette LEDENTMadame Ginette LEDENT
of Anthisnes (4160, Belgium)
+ 04/11/1939 - 21/01/2025
Photo 861429Madame Léa LOUISMadame Léa LOUIS
of Waha (6900, Belgium)
+ 02/02/1932 - 21/01/2025
Photo 861064Madame Marie BECKERMadame Marie BECKER
of Nassogne (6950, Belgium)
+ 29/06/1949 - 20/01/2025
Photo 860879Monsieur Jean NAPORTMonsieur Jean NAPORT
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 03/03/1937 - 18/01/2025
Photo 860610Monsieur Alain CREMERSMonsieur Alain CREMERS
of Les Avins (4560, Belgium)
+ 24/08/1951 - 16/01/2025
Photo 860470Madame Bernadette PIRARDMadame Bernadette PIRARD
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 21/02/1960 - 16/01/2025
Photo 859996Monsieur René DESERTMonsieur René DESERT
of Rendeux-Bas (6987, Belgium)
+ 07/10/1942 - 15/01/2025
Photo 860485Madame Nadine HENKARTMadame Nadine HENKART
of Somme-Leuze (5377, Belgium)
+ 24/04/1931 - 15/01/2025
Photo 859809Madame Cécile MAGNERYMadame Cécile MAGNERY
of Grimbiémont (6900, Belgium)
+ 30/04/1931 - 14/01/2025
Photo 859860Monsieur Willy GAVAGEMonsieur Willy GAVAGE
of Comblain-au-Pont (4170, Belgium)
+ 18/05/1936 - 13/01/2025